How to create a professional resume

 A CV is attached to the application. This is a document that presents all the information about your qualifications, skills, abilities and personal characteristics in a suitable form so that the reader can get all the necessary information about you. The main purpose of your resume (CV) is to answer the employer’s inquiries regarding the vacancy. Hence, it is used for formal and professional communication. That is why it is very important to have a professional resume. Your resume or resume is your first impression of a prospective employer. It will reflect your professional attitude without making you look very casual. See Anschreiben Beispiel

Some resumes do not have a standard format. Fonts, spacing, tabs, graphics, etc. vary throughout the resume. The quality of the paper on which the resume is printed is also very important when it comes to the professional appearance of your resume. Before writing your resume, you need to think carefully about margins, page background, etc. Check Bewerbung Anschreiben

It is very important to give your resume a professional look. Your resume should present you in a way that sets you apart and makes the reader believe that choosing you over others will be beneficial to him/her. The following instructions will help you create a professional resume.


Resume Basics:

The CV should be divided into different sections to present all the information in a systematic way. Before choosing a resume style and writing a resume, you need to know some basics that are required to make the resume look professional.

A resume should never be handwritten.
Use Times New Roman, Verdana or Arial fonts and the font size should be 12.
Don’t change the size and font on your resume.

Instead of changing the font size for the headings, it’s a good idea to mention the headings in bold. This will keep the default font size throughout the text.

Never use italics, fancy fonts, and fancy margins on your resume.
Never use a color, watermark or background color on your resume. It should be on a plain white background and the font color should be black.

If you prepare your CV on paper, always print it out on good quality paper. Never copy your CV, it gives it a very dull and boring look.

The above points are the basics of any resume. This should never be overlooked or the “professional looking resume” will be a myth. This is followed by writing a resume. The style of the resume is entirely dependent on the candidate information that will be included in it.


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